Learning Diversity

At St Mary’s we value an inclusive education system which embraces  diversity and celebrates difference. We seek to engage every learner to ensure ‘ the successful participation and maximised achievement of every student regardless of academic, cultural, physical, social/emotional or behavioural difference. We believe students should receive equity of opportunity across all spectrums of ability or disability.

At St Mary’s we support all aspects of student learning target specialised support programs to target learning.

These include

Enrichment,  Intervention and Social initiatives

  • that each student can learn and that the needs of every student are important
  • that each student is entitled to knowledge, understanding and skills that provide a foundation for successful and lifelong learning and participation in the Australian community
  • that high expectations should be set for each student, as teachers account for the current level of learning of individual students and the different rates at which students develop
  • that the needs and interests of students will vary, and that schools and teachers will plan from the curriculum in ways that respond to those needs and interests.

School Psychologist

A Pediatric Educational Psychologist assists in diagnosing and providing recommendations for the class teacher. She is employed by the school and attends two days per week.

Intervention Programs

All students learn in different ways and at different levels. At St Mary’s we believe it is important to address student learning needs as soon as they arise. This could be when a child is having difficulties accessing the curriculum or behavioural problems or social problems. It could also be when they require extension. 

Student Support Groups for students who are funded under the Federal Government for Language needs, intellectual needs or social/emotional needs occur every term. Individual Education Plans are also devised for these students in order to explicitly address their particular learning needs. Small focus groups address language needs, motor skills and life skills across the school.

Reading Recovery is provided for at risk students in grade one and a variety of strategies are used to assist students with identified literacy strengths and weaknesses.

Numeracy Intervention provides a variety of learning opportunities for at risk students Prep to Year 4 who have been identified with specific needs in numeracy.

LLI (Levelled Literacy Intervention) allows students the opportunity to work in a small group (max 4 chn) environment to further develop their skills in reading and writing. It helps to deepen and expand comprehension, increase reading volume and monitor student progress.

Enrichment Programs

Enrichment Programs offered at St Mary’s

St Mary’s currently offers a range of programs to extend students’ experiences at school:

  • STEAM Program
    A program that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths
  • Maths Program
    Using further skills and experiences to complete complex tasks.

All members of a Catholic school community are learners who:

honour the sacred dignity of each person, believing that everyone can experience success and be supported to see their lives as being shaped by the God who is at work in all of creation

  • search for truth, continuously critiquing, questioning, inquiring, imagining and re-imagining themselves and their world in an ongoing engagement with Catholic beliefs and practices
  • embrace difference and diversity as the context for dialogue, engagement and a deeper understanding of self, others and God
  • build a culture of learning together through collaboration, partnerships and life-giving relationships which enable all to flourish
  • engage with the deep questions of life, constantly opening up spaces of meaning which engage Catholic faith with what matters most in the minds and hearts of the students
  • honour equitable access and opportunity for all, with a particular commitment to those most in need
  • commit to achieving the highest standards possible based on reflective practice, using data, research and evidence to ensure progress and growth in learning
  • make a difference in the world, inspired by the Gospel and led by the Holy Spirit to grow in virtue and act for justice and the common good.