
Mathematics at St Mary’s is a core learning area. We endeavour to develop lifelong Mathematical thinkers who are able to apply their knowledge of Mathematics to all aspects of their life.  We believe that students learn best when engaged, challenged and supported in their own learning.  We see students as individuals who learn at different rates and have varying levels of understanding.

Our Visible Learning approach is evident in the area of Mathematics, where student assessment is used to allow learning to take place at an individual’s point of need.  We use our Maths Pathways to ‘open up’ the curriculum to learners, provide goals, differentiate learning and track success.  Students participate in a magnitude of activities and experiences that provide them with a sound grasp of Number, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability, in line with the current Victorian Curriculum. We see taking risks and making mistakes as vital aspects of the learning process. Skills in these areas are explicitly taught through whole class, small group or independent tasks and teachers regularly assess the students’ learning prior to, during and after a unit of work. This allows teachers to ensure students’ needs are being met and they are challenged outside of their comfort zone. Our Prep – 2 students engage using a vast array of hands on materials and are explicitly taught a variety of strategies to build a strong foundation in Mathematics. Our 3-6 students sharpen their independence skills by assigning their own Mathematics goals using the pre test data and working towards achieving them. Students’ growth is also monitored through the use of Essential Assessment, PAT, SINE and NAPLAN testing conducted at various stages of the year.

The Maths curriculum aims to ensure that students:

  • Develop a positive attitude about Mathematics and allows them to develop confidence and appreciation for maths.
  • See a purpose in their learning and can apply it to real life situations.
  • Are aware of what they know, what they need to know next, and how to get there.
  • Develop the proficiencies of understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning.

The Mathematics program at St Mary’s is supported by:

  • Daily Maths programs
  • Mathematics leader
  • Maths Intervention and Maths Extension groups
  • G.R.I.N program
  • Professional learning teams for all levels
  • Contemporary learning materials and tools
  • Access to Maths Online

Maths intervention:

Maths Intervention is a program  for students who require additional support in Maths. Children who begin Year 1 below the expected level in Maths have the opportunity for small group intensive Maths assistance.

G.R.I.N Program:

The Getting Ready in Numeracy (G.R.I.N) Program aims to reinstate confidence and a positive attitude by engaging in discussion and manipulation of materials that will prepare students in grades 3 – 6 for their upcoming mathematics lesson.